Anxiety disorders

Anxiety disorders with their severity can be debilitating for anyone. Panic attack is the most severe form, resembling having a heart attack or the feeling of dying. Physical manifestations are:

  • palpitation

  • pounding heart

  • sweating

  • shaking

  • short of breath

  • feeling of choking

  • chest pain

  • chills

  • numbness

  • fear of going crazy or loosing control

  • fear of dying

Panic attack can occur at random, and it can happen multiple times a day.

Emergency Room (ER) visits become expensive, frequently due to the fear of dying from a heart attack. Most of the time the ER providers will send the patient back home with a referral for their primary care provider after receiving a short acting anti-anxiety medication without refills.

Anxieties can be incapacitating causing self-isolation, social and occupational disfunction with sometimes irreversible consequences.


Anyone can experience depression in their life, however, depression in the elderly is not a normal process of ageing. Symptoms of depression are:

  • depressed mood

  • loss of interest

  • sadness

  • empty

  • hopeless

  • tearful

  • irritable mood in children and adolescents

  • cannot sleep/oversleeping

  • weight loss or gain

  • being slowed down/mental retardation

  • no energy/fatigue

  • tiredness almost every day

  • difficulties concentrating/indecisiveness

  • recurrent thoughts of death/suicidal ideation